Ofsted and school performance
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education.
Ofsted inspects services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. They also inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people. Ofsted Parent View gives parents and carers the chance to tell Ofsted what they think of our school.
Our school's most recent inspection took place in November 2024. This was the school’s first inspection since 2013, and under the new approach to grading that Ofsted introduced in September. Under this new approach, schools are not awarded an overall effectiveness grade but are given judgements against different sub-categories, which you can see in the report. Some of the highlights, which we are really pleased to see, include:
This is a warm and welcoming school. Pupils are happy to come to school each day.
The school’s strong culture of care and consideration for pupils’ safety permeates all that they do.
The school has developed an exceptional personal development offer that is bespoke to the school.
Staff work with determination to give pupils a great start to their education. They appreciate the family feel of the school.
To view the Ofsted report from that inspection, click on the link below.
Department for Education performance tables
The DfE provides information about all schools including data on their performance, absence, pupil population, workforce and finance. Click here to view this information for our school.