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Proud to be part of

Vision and values

Creating a haven in which children flourish

Mount Street Academy is a nurturing school. Our community takes pride in helping every individual to thrive and work to achieve our vision of creating a haven in which children flourish.

We believe that every child should love learning and have high standards and expectations of themselves. Our children deserve and need us to provide more than just the National Curriculum. Life has so much to offer and our children have so much more to learn and experience.

With this in mind we have worked to prioritise the things we want our children to experience during their time with us. These priorities, or 'drivers', underpin all areas of school life and every decision we make regarding our children’s learning and experiences in school. They are personal to our school and reflect the social and educational needs of our local area.

The five drivers are: Determination, Responsibility, Empathy, Aspiration, and Make a Difference. These are also our school values...

Our values

Children at Mount Street Academy are expected to follow our rules, which are captured in our values:

  • Determination - we never give up
  • Responsibility - we are honest
  • Empathy - we are kind
  • Aspiration - we aim high
  • Make a difference - we look after our world
Our values are displayed around the school through a group of characters called The DREAM Team to help the children recognise and remember them. Every term, we focus on one value and celebrate the ways in which children have demonstrated this value.

Values in action

We follow the Anthem School Behaviour Policy.  At school level this is implemented in the following ways...


Our DREAM Team values are threaded through, and drive, all aspects of school life and underpin our work in supporting our children to develop positive behaviour and attitudes in both the learning and in their social interactions with one another and the world around them. 

We reward children who exhibit behaviours and attitudes that link to these values. The skills involved in demonstrating each value grow and change as our children grow and change, we have set out what this looks like in our Curriculum Drivers document. Some examples worthy of individual recognition might be:

  • Consistently improved standards of work – (Determination)
  • Taking responsibility for their own actions – (Responsibility)
  • Showing kindness to others or being helpful, above expectations – (Empathy)
  • Achieving a goal – (Aspiration)
  • Service to the school or local community – (Make a Difference)
  • Outstanding effort or achievement in extracurricular activities outside of school where the children have demonstrated our school values.
DREAM points

When children demonstrate one of our DREAM values staff adopt a ‘positive noticing approach’ and share with the children/class what they’ve seen. The children can then add a Dream point token to the jar. At the end of the week, during class reflection time, the teacher and children discuss the values jars and the points tokens collected.

Headteachers award stickers

Staff may want to share children’s ‘wow’ moments with the headteacher. Children may have demonstrated a particular value and added a Dream point to the jar but they may also want to share this moment with the Headteacher and staff will invite the child to go and see the Headteacher for a Headteacher sticker.


Children consistently demonstrating the values and rules will be sent to the Headteacher for a gold star to be stamped in their DREAM Team passport. Over the course of their time in school with us (Reception - Year 2) they will collect 10 stamps per value. When they achieve 10 stamps for that value, they are rewarded with the DREAM badge for that value. The aim is to have collected the whole set of five badges by the time they leave in Year 2 and be a fully signed-up member of the DREAM Team.

DREAM assembly and certificate

Each child over the course of each academic year will be presented with a certificate at the DREAM assembly, along with their parent/carer, to celebrate how they have demonstrated a particular value/rule well over that term.


Where the school values and rules are not being adhered to, the use of sanctions must be applied. These are reasonable and proportionate to the circumstances of the incident, and individual pupil needs are taken into account when determining the appropriate use of sanctions, including their age, any special educational needs or disability, and any religious requirements affecting the pupil. 

Sanctions are used consistently, and teachers and other staff make it very clear to the recipient why a sanction is being applied. The school’s approach to this is set out in our Behaviour Flowchart at the bottom of this page.

For more information about how we apply rewards and sanctions at Mount Street, please consult the Curriculum Drivers document and the Behaviour Flowchart below.